Nov 23
[Carlo Voli]
Great interview with Chris Herman about the Edmonds Community Solar Cooperative and more.
Nov 11
[Carlo Voli]
The Edmonds Community Solar Cooperative is one of the nominees for the "Change Agent" award. The winner will be announced at Sustainable Seattle's 2012 Sustainability Leadership Awards Dinner on Thursday.
Nov 11
[Carlo Voli]
The Edmonds Community Solar Cooperative is one of the nominees for the "Change Agent" award. The winner will be announced at Sustainable Seattle's 2012 Sustainability Leadership Awards Dinner on Thursday.
Sep 20
[Carlo Voli]
Installation of 18.9 KW system for Phase II completed yesterday. Time to celebrate!! Inauguration event this coming Monday, September 24th, at 7PM, in the Brackett Room, Edmonds City Hall, 121 5th Av. N. Edmonds 98020. All welcome. http://myedmondsnews.com/2012/09/edmonds-solar-cooperative-completes-ins...
May 9
[Carlo Voli]
Good article where our solar co-op is mentioned and referenced as a national example of "citizens in all parts of the country... taking the lead in constructing new economic models and institutions that not only promote democratized economic opportunity, but also, ecological sustainability."
We are being part of the Solution!!
May 8
[Chris Herman]
Wow! We got 5 more members and another $12,000 to build a bigger phase 2 in the past 3 days. So I made an executive decision to extend the cutoff deadline for buy in til 5/13 (Mothers Day) and then we need to stop selling so we can design, engineer, apply for permit and install in time for the long summer days. Remember, any WA resident is eligible to be an owner/member. Please join us for this 2nd and final phase. Thank you for your leadership in helping us transition to a clean energy future.
Apr 30
[Carlo Voli]
A few more SunSlices bought over the weekend. We are up to 67 co-op members now. Yeyy!!
5 more days to go before the May 4th deadline to become part of the first fully citizen owned community solar project in WA State.
Apr 23
[Chris Herman]
We just got our check from the U.S. Govt. for our phase 1 grant ($11,848) and will be handing out checks to our phase 1 owners on 4/27 from 630-830 at Edmonds City Hall. We will also be updating owners and interested folks on our progress and plans for our phase 2 installation this spring. It will be at least 3x the size of phase 1. We have set a deadline of 5/4 to stop selling SunSlices for phase 2 so we have time to get it designed, engineered, permitted, ordered and installed in time for the long days of summer. If you've been considering buying in, now is your last chance. Please join us.
Apr 16
[Chris Herman]
My Mother-in-law just bought a SunSlice for my kids and they became member #60. Glad we taught them to share;>) The yearly income will help my daughter pay for nursing school at the UW and my son can pay for his own gym membership.
Apr 15
Two big milestones this week in the project. 1) We earned the our second buyer of $10,000 in SunSlices for Phase II - thank you SO much for your support. 2) Our US Treasury Grant for Phase I was APPROVED. We'll be making an announcement to members about picking up their very first SunSlice payment so watch your email for that exciting news.